When someone comes over to my house for the first time when entering the living room they may see this scene:

What do you think they are? Usually when people cover over the cats would not be sitting on them. Several people have asked if they are for the cats, even when the cats are not sitting on them. The cats like to sit on them, do you think they are for the cats?
So what are they?
These are the speakers for my Saville Organ!
Sometimes the cats sit on them while I am practicing or just anytime that they feel like it. Other times they do this to look out the window. There is a bush on the other side of the window and sometimes they want to get a better view of a bird or a squirrel.
You may be wondering, why are the organ speakers so large? These are the original speakers, most likely from the 1970’s. Technology has changed alot since then!
These speakers were once mounted on the wall at a local church. Kilala prefers the largest speaker. The other two cats sat on them more often in the first year or two of having the speakers.
I had to search through a couple of years of photos to find one with Lina on a speaker. Lina (small calico) and Buster (orange/white tabby) are on the speakers in the top photo. In the picture collage Kilala is shown on the bottom right on laying on the largest speaker.
If you have cats or other pets, what in your home, do visitors think are designed for the cats (or other pet) that really servers another [first] purpose?

Would you like to see more posts with my cats? I’ve included “with cats” in my tagline for awhile now and have not written many posts including them! Perhaps June should be cat month.
P.S. I’ve added a resource page!
Heidi Bender writes about her experiences of learning to play the organ. She started on the adventure in 2009.
She also writes on her website Tons of Thanks, which helps people write thank-you notes. Heidi is also a cat lady who writes at The Joy of Cats.
I like the cat pictures. You take great photos.
Maybe you will take up scrapbooking yet !
Thanks Mom! Maybe someday (not soon) I will try scrapbooking. I would need to take lessons from you!
I guess they purr right along with the music 🙂
I love the cats! The combination with the organ and cats give this a comfy welcoming feeling. Nice job
Thanks Jennifer!