One of the most enjoyable aspects of the organist convention was meeting new people. There were many chances to interact with the other attendees at concerts, meals, and workshops. The same questions were asked many times. I suppose they could be considered organist ice breakers!
Here are the 4 most asked questions:
- Where are you from?
I live in Adrian, MI. Many people were not familiar with Adrian. It’s about a hour northwest of Toledo, OH and about a hour southwest of Ann Arbor, MI.
- Are you a student? and/or Where do you go to school?
I may have looked like a traditional college aged student to some. That made me feel good! I explained that I am an adult student taking private lessons. I didn’t think to say this at the convention, but I am a home schooled student. I do nearly all of my practicing at home.
- Where do you practice?
Most organists practice at church or on their school’s organ(s). I have an electronic Saville organ at home that I use for practicing. I met several others that also had electronic organs and one lady that has a pipe organ in her home. An organist convention is one of the few places where having an organ in my living room doesn’t make me unique.
- What church do you play at?
I do not play at a church yet. This was the question I wish I could have answered differently. Someday I will play at a church. I received lots of encouragement to keep practicing and learning hymns. I will also need to improve my sight reading skills.
Heidi Bender writes about her experiences of learning to play the organ. She started on the adventure in 2009.
She also writes on her website Tons of Thanks, which helps people write thank-you notes. Heidi is also a cat lady who writes at The Joy of Cats.
Do you have an organ music book that nothing but hymns in it?
If you want to practice your clarinet I think I still have it.
Hi Mom,
I have a copy of the hymnal from our church. I also have an United Methodist hymnal now that Renee gave to me.
I don’t think I’m ready to take on the clarinet yet. Maybe someday though!
What is the song you play best?
What is most difficult about playing the organ?
Does Ted like organ music
Do you play any other instruments?
Hi Mark,
Great questions! I can play the Andante movement of Mendelssohn’s Sonata No. 6. that was probably the best I was able to play a classical piece. Here is a video of it, if you are not familiar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWd6eIwgKi0.
Ted seems to like the organ music. He is very supportive. He will go to concerts with me if he isn’t working.
I took piano lessons when I was younger. I may be able to fake it on a piano now, but would play with an organist’s touch! I played clarinet through high school.