Pipe Organs at the AGO Region V Convention

Below you will see pictures of the pipe organs played at the American Guild of Organists (AGO) Region V 2013 Convention. I thought this was going to be the fastest post to compile about the convention but it has turned out to be the longest. I wanted to make a photo collage only and had to teach myself how to do it. The original sizes of the pictures were too large to use with online photo editors like iPiccy or PicMonkey as there doesn’t seem to be a way to scale pictures in these programs (if you know how please let me know!). I used GIMP (which is free) and followed this guide on How to Make a Photo Collage.

I hope you enjoy the photos. The first 3 days of the convention were in Kalamazoo, MI and the last day in Battle Creek, MI. Links to each church’s website and stop lists for each pipe organ can be found on the convention’s Venues and Organs page. There is probably a way to embed the links into the photos but I am not sure how to do that yet!

All of the convention posts can be viewed by clicking here.

Kalamazoo, MI Pipe Organs
Kalamazoo, MI Pipe Organs played at the AGO Region V AGO Convention 2013
Battle Creek, MI Pipe Organs
Battle Creek, MI Pipe Organs played at the AGO Region V AGO Convention 2013
Questions from the AGO Convention
Sweaty Summer 2013 Organ Lessons
Website | + posts

Heidi Bender writes about her experiences of learning to play the organ. She started on the adventure in 2009.

She also writes on her website Tons of Thanks, which helps people write thank-you notes. Heidi is also a cat lady who writes at The Joy of Cats.

4 thoughts on “Pipe Organs at the AGO Region V Convention”

  1. Some beautiful organs! I use Google’s free picture program called Picasa. It has a nice collage function on it and is easy to use. It also gives you a certain amount of online free storage of your pictures and you can send people links to your online album for them to view.

  2. Excellent photos Heidi.
    Maybe have prints in a mini album to show friends and family when you are out and about
    when the topic of organs comes up. Some amy like to see these organs in person.


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